Read also “Ten tips for good health – part 1“.


6. Fish “at will”

Consume fish at least 3-4 times a week. Fish is an excellent source of protein of high biological value and is particularly rich in omega-3, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that induce the body into a state of good health and improve brain function.

7. Lot of fruits and vegetables

Regularly consume fruits and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables were the carbohydrates  consumed by primitive man and should never be overlooked as a fundamental part of your diet. Fruit and vegetables provide micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals), which are essential for good health and survival, and some natural antioxidants (poly-phenols) which are a means of defence against external agents and free radicals. Moreover, they induce positive biomedical effects against cardiovascular diseases, senility and tumour growth.good health

8. Drink plenty of water

The human body is made up of water for an average of 65%, and needs to stay hydrated so that its functions can be carried out adequately. Good advice seems to be to drink 30-40 ml of water per day per kg of  body weight.

9. “Yes” to olive oil

The regular consumption of extra-virgin olive oil  protects us from cardiovascular problems.
Extra-virgin olive oil contains hydroxytyrosol, a polyphenol capable of inhibiting pro-inflammatory eicosanoids, responsible of cardiovascular problems.  This polyphenol has proved one of the most potent antioxidants known today.

10. Reduce Stress

Cortisol is released in response to stress, sparing available glucose for the brain, generating new energy from stored reserves and diverting energy from lower-priority activities in order to survive immediate threat. Continuous and repeated stress keeps the level of this hormone high, with serious consequences for our health, such as production of bad eicosanoid hormones, catabolism of muscle structures, increase of inflammatory processes, early ageing of neurons and weakening of the immune system.
