Musculoskeletal issues are the leading cause of disability in the U.S., accounting for 130 million patient visits to health-care providers. That’s one in three Americans. And, with an aging population, the problem will only escalate.
What can you do?
Here are five simple things you can do today to support healthy joints and bones.
- Increase foods high in antioxidants. Consider preparing more vegetables in a juice, which can help improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys and increase the elimination of toxins and waste products from the body. Keeping in mind that free radicals can be detrimental to joint health, increasing the intake of a full spectrum of antioxidants can help. And, the best way to do this is to eat more of the following: berries, pomegranate, grapes, oranges, walnuts, sunflower seeds, ginger, peppers, red beets, carrots and parsley.
- Maintain a normal body weight. Excess weight leads to premature wear and tear of the joints. New research reveals that obese people are approximately 60 percent more likely to develop joint problems than those who aren’t overweight. By controlling obesity, we can prevent related risks.
- Exercise. If you think that people suffering from joint problems should not exercise because it causes further damage to joints, think again. According to researchers, regular, moderate exercise offers many benefits. It reduces joint stiffness and increases flexibility and endurance. Exercise also promotes overall health.
- Use topical treatments. Topical rubs containing cayenne pepper, menthol, MSM, glucosamine and chondroitin are effective in lessening discomfort.
- Try supplements. The American diet is full of processed foods, refined sugars, white flour, salt, and a host of preservatives and chemicals, making it difficult, if not impossible to get the nutrients we need from food alone. As the use of fertilizers has increased, the content of vitamins and minerals in fresh fruits and vegetables is depleted. And, since most people boil their vegetables and then discard the cooking water, they are actually discarding 90 percent of the mineral content of these vegetables! As you can see, even if you’re conscientiously trying to eat the proper amount of
fruits and vegetables, it’s going to be difficult to get the nutrition your body and bones need. Despite what you may have heard, you can enjoy better joint health.
With supplements, diet, exercise, and proper care, you can overpower joint discomfort and enjoy physical activity again. Get started on these five steps today.
4 Herbs For Joint Health
Achy joints can start at any age, but those in their golden years are more likely to feel pain in their joints. Herbs, like tart cherry and turmeric, are naturally good to promote comfortable joints and joint health. These herbs are derived from plants, fruits and other natural sources. These herbs may interfere with your other medicine so you should always consult a doctor before starting a herbal supplement.
Bromelain (from pineapples)
Bromelian is a protein-digesting enzyme found in pineapples. It has been used for its anti-inflammatory properties in South America for centuries. A study published in Phytomedicine found that bromelain may support joint comfort, particularly of the knee.
Tart Cherry
Tart cherry has been studied as an aid in making joint pain sufferers more comfortable, because of it’s purported anti-inflammatory properties. Tart cherry extract or juice has been particularly studied for its efficacy on people suffering from arthritis.
Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that comes from the root of the turmeric plant and is a spice typically found in curries in South Asian cuisine. Doctors who have studied the benefits of turmeric recommend doses of 1,000-1,500 milligrams a day of Turmeric.
White Willow Bark
White Willow Bark comes from a tree in Europe and Asia. It was widely used by Ancient Egyptians for its joint-supporting properties. Several studies have been done with the herb and its effects on people with back pain and various forms of arthritis.
Joint health is a serious issue and taking anti-inflammatory herbs can help reduce the pain. White willow bark, turmeric, tart cherry and bromelain are all option to minimize joint pain, but joint pain sufferers should consult their doctor first. What do you use to support joint health?